
eco-friendly resources
for everyday greener living

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Our Mission: Better stuff awareness. Help people find healthier, happier, more sustainable, eco friendly alternatives to life’s necessities and some life’s optional necessities as well. We’re here to offer planet-friendly alternatives to all that stuff in most of our lives.

Most people seem to really like stuff. All kinds of stuff. The more the better. With there being so many darn people in the world, there is a lot of stuff. It’s everywhere. Human stuff is so abundant that it’s choking out nature. The oceans are full of it. The land is full of it. The sky is full of it. There’s microscopic stuff, big stuff, greenhouse gas stuff—it’s in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breath. And most of us just don’t care. At least not enough to go out of our way to do something about it. We gotta have our stuff. So with that in mind, was formed. Since everyone has gotta have stuff, we might as well have stuff that’s at least a little less damaging to the environment.

The best thing we can all do for the planet is to stop this infatuation with material items. Live simply while spending much of our time helping others and helping our one and only planet. But that will never happen. So then at least try making better, healthier choices about the stuff we do buy. It’s a super simple yet powerful way to have a positive influence on the world. With our purchases. You’re going to buy stuff anyway; you might as well try to help rather than hurt while doing it. The problem is not with the manufacturers who make mountains of senseless plastic widgets that live on forever in landfills or floating in the oceans. The problem is with the darn people who buy them. Stop buying them. Then and only then will they stop making them. We have the power. We just choose to not use it. Corporations will stop making eco-toxic products when there is no more profit in it. Because, surprise, they only do it for the profit. They know we are going to want stuff, and lots of it. And that most of us just don’t care beyond the thrill of new stuff. It’s who we are. How about we surprise our corporate overlords and only buy eco-friendly, sustainable stuff from now on! Or… at least occasionally choose an eco-friendly alternative.

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