10 Easy Things We Can Do To Fight Climate Change

10 Easy Things To Do To Fight Climate Change

Climate change, or more accurately global warming, is an urgent and undeniable issue. It’s quite astonishing that we still have to emphasize its reality in this era but some individuals choose to pretend it doesn’t exist. Climate change is causing detrimental effects to our planet such as the rise of sea levels and the increase, in both frequency and severity of weather related natural disasters. Obviously the first step is acknowledging the existence of global warming. Stop screwing around with denial and pseudoscience. Then we all need to get busy taking action to address it. By making efforts to reduce our carbon footprint we all help fight climate change rather than continue to add to the problem.

We need to adopt some changes to our lifestyles that will contribute to environmental health and help address the challenges of climate change. The preservation of our planet should be motivation enough. By taking steps to lessen our impact on the environment we can enhance both air and water quality, safeguard wildlife and biodiversity. Decrease the likelihood of natural disasters. Not only will reducing our carbon footprint benefit the entire planet but it will also enrich our own lives.

Fight Climate Change

In the end when we take steps to support the environment it’s not about safeguarding the planet; it’s about making a brighter future, for ourselves and the generations that follow.

Here are ten things that anyone can do to help fight climate change. While they may take a bit of effort for some of us, they are certainly achievable. We all need to start doing our part, carrying out weight, getting’er done. Check out this list of 10 easy things we can all do to combat climate change.

See this list of 10 Hard Things We Can Do To Fight Climate Change if you want to level-up your commitment. But first, start with these…

The 10 Things To Fight Climate Change

  1. Cut out meat and dairy: The commercial meat and dairy industries are horrible for the environment. They both create large steaming piles of pollution and copious amounts greenhouse gases. So they have giant carbon footprints which they pass on to their customers. Removing meat and dairy from your diet you can go a long way toward reducing your own carbon footprint. Not to mention switching to a plant based diet is also good for your personal health.
  1. Fly less: Cutting back on air travel can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. If you’re committed, to minimizing your impact consider reducing the frequency of overseas vacations or exploring alternative transportation options.
  1. Go car-free: Consider going without a car; Cars contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. If feasible, try to go without a car completely or at least the very least minimize your driving. Whenever possible try replacing a portion of your driving with walking, biking or using public transportation as alternatives. If you must drive, use an electric car if possible.
  1. Use renewable energy: If you’re a homeowner you may want to explore the possibility of installing solar panels or wind turbines on your property to generate your own eco friendly energy. If you are a renter, with your utility provider, they may offer renewable energy programs that you can opt into.
  1. Buy less stuff: The production and transportation of consumer goods contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. By buying less stuff, you can reduce your personal carbon footprint.
  1. Plant a tree: Planting trees actually really helps fight climate change. Trees play a large role by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and storing it within their biomass. If, for whatever, you can’t plant a tree, there are many reputable organizations that you can donate to who will plants trees for you.
  1. Eat locally and seasonally: Consider the benefits of consuming locally sourced and seasonal food. Not only does it contribute to reducing the carbon footprint associated with food production but it also minimizes transportation distances for locally grown produce. Additionally opting for fruits and vegetables reduces the need for energy intensive greenhouse cultivation methods.
  1. Support political action: Climate change is a worldwide challenge that calls for collective efforts. Show your support for candidates who are dedicated to addressing climate change and make sure your opinions, on this matter are heard.
  1. Reduce waste Landfills contribute significantly to the release of greenhouse gases. By minimizing the amount of waste you generate and making an effort to recycle. You can play your part in reducing your individual impact on the environment.
  1. Volunteer: Volunteering for something, anything can help the environment and help you fell better about the environment. There are many options and opportunities to choose from. Checkout our volunteer resources to find everything from eco-tourism to local options. It’s no coincidence that usual what’s good for the environment is also good for you.

That’s it! The 10 things that you can do to contribute towards helping to stop climate change. While some of them may require a bit of effort, they are certainly achievable if you are dedicated to making an impact. So choose one or two that strongly resonate with you and begin making a difference away!

By TerraGreena.com

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